Thursday, June 26, 2008

Poetry Jam

Circle of Seasons

Bleak, grey skies of winter
Frozen wind rushes through my hair
My face buried in my collar
Arms wrapped around my body
Woollen trousers surround my legs
As I try and ride out the cold

Night falls and I’m in bed
I toss and turn underneath thick layers
Water cascades down from the heavens
Lighting arcs across the sky
The giant’s tummy rumbles
Depression, desolation, despair

A light beams through the curtains
Birds twitter sounds of praise
They shatter the dark walls for the sun
Warmth seeps through my limbs
I stretch and yawn
Vibrant flowers and lush grass meet my feet

The day grows weary and hot
My throat aches with dehydration
A fiery inferno burns high in the sky
Merciless heat sears my skin
Like burning ashes in water
Depression, desolation, despair

I walk along the rocky path
Ancient trees encircle me
Golden leaves protrude from their branches
The ground invites them
Waiting for gravity to work
A cool breeze rushes through me
The circle of seasons repeats

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