Monday, June 23, 2008

Haiku's for enjoyment (Joseph's poem)

They came with darkness
Far Outsiders invading
Fighting towards us

Ocean spray flying
Spraying as high as the sky
With the strength of gods

The red men have come
They have come to eat with us
Huge meals are prepared

The three Haikus that I wrote are new ones from my mind. I thought of fresh ideas and wrote them down as I thought of them. I then created a story or a description for the remaining syllables of the Haiku. The first Haiku is an idea from a book I read last year (2007) and I incorporated that with an altered version of another book I have read. The haiku is about foreign invaders fighting towards us. The second one I decided to write about nature and I chose the ocean and the ocean spray it creates. This Haiku is about the sometimes powerful ocean spray that the ocean creates and I used a comparison there as I did not write ‘as a’. The last Haiku is about people dressed in red that have come to dine with us and feasts are prepared for their arrival.


josh 8P said...

Some great imagery Joseph! I loved the line "Ocean spray flying" and "With the strength of gods". Great work!

Ronny 8P said...

hm, in the ocean poem, i think that your use of imagery is pretty spectacular. As for the one about red men...well, its pretty random, but also kinda imaginative. And the first haiku... paints a pretty clear image. but i got absolutely no idea what the Far Outsiders are... i can only think that they are some sorta warrior and that they are very evil...and possibly alien as well.=D