Wednesday, June 25, 2008

I can't write a poem (By Joseph)

I can’t write a poem
A poet I am not
My mind feels very numb
I can’t think ‘cause of heat
I think I have heatstroke
But sure I am not
My laptop’s broken down
And pencil I can’t find
The pen is leaking very badly
Plus the teacher’s shouting loudly
This is very bad!
I’ve wrote a poem about;
How I cannot write a poem!
This must be a big joke
Detention I have surely got
The teacher’s getting near
I’m starting to panic
‘Where’s your poem boy?’
A big problem I’ve surely got!

I wrote the short free verse poem last year. It is a short free verse about how I cannot write a poem. It lists excuses about what is it that prevents me from writing a poem. Near the end, it is about the teacher when he is shouting and gets angry and comes and demands to see the poem I have written and I start to panic and thinking that I have detention. Of course, none of this has happened to me, I just wrote all the excuses that came to mind; about broken laptops and pens and numb minds. I added an extra twist-the angry teacher-to it to make it more interesting to read and picture in the mind.


Caz said...

Hey Joseph
I loved reading your poem because it was so original. How you were writing a poem about not knowing how to write a poem. I loved the way you described how the teacher was screaming and acting and how you wrote in detail about the emotions you were feeling at the time. It was funny and full of cheek which was great. I really enjoyed reading it.

zyasmine? said...

it sounds really different
from the ones we did last year,yeah?
Yours is more individual - I guess it's that
back to front thing from the old times.
:) Jasmine