Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Josh's poem

Heroes of time

What is the meaning of life?
Is it to stand in the background?
Or to immerse ourselves in the sun?
Do we bask in the glow of others?
Or shine the light upon ourselves?

I live in a world where we ponder our every move
Thinking about the variables and outcomes
Than to actually get up and move around
We all stand in the shadows of darkness
In the dusty corners of nothingness

What should we do in this life?
Should we rise up and take lead?
Or continue as a sheep?
Do we call out for attention?
Or wait for attention to find us?

I live in a world where most stay behind
With an individual taking the shepherd’s staff.
We wait for the spotlight to shine on us
And save our voices for later
A time which will never come

Why should we do it in this life?
Is it for the sake of others?
Or for ourselves?
Do we lead the world to the light?
Or plunge it into darkness?

I live in a world where things are done for ourselves
An action does not matter unless it benefits us
Others come after us
And so advancements are like gold in the dirt
Rather than water in the sea

But every millennia
A person defies these actions
And brings the world to victory
Such are the heroes of time

This poem was written on my views of the world and its heroes of time. It is my belief that in our current society, everyone’s actions are done to benefit themselves in some way. This action may or may not also benefit another person, but it is not usually in the person’s aim to do so. It is extremely hard to do something for someone else that will only benefit them. Even an act like helping someone else, may have the thought in our mind that we expect them to help us later on.

I have used the pattern for the whole poem to have every odd numbered paragraph to have questions (except for the last paragraph) and every even numbered paragraph to include the response. I have used a rhyme in the end of the second paragraph and a simile in the second-last paragraph. I have also used are large number of metaphors in the poem. This is a technique that I enjoy using.

There are three people I had in mind when I wrote this poem. They have played an important role in where we are today in society. They are Mother Teresa, Martin Luther King Jr. and Nelson Mandela. Through their selflessness they have shaped the world and brought joy to countless people across the world.

I especially like the questions in the poem. It poses an issue which requires an answer that is meant to speak the truth. This poem is entirely how I see the world I live in. I have tried to write about a different subject this time, something other than nature. I am pleased with my work and I would like to try a different subject next time.


d!n!th! said...

Your poem is really good. You have used a lot of questions to highlight a point- that is a clever technique to use. You have used some interesting uses of imagery especially in the first stanza. "Or to immerse ourselves in the sun", "Do we bask in the glow of others". Your point of that everyones actions are done to benefit themselves has been shown in your poem. I could never be able to write something like what you've written.
Well Done Josh!

Melissa :) said...

Wow Josh, this really means so much! I like how you've used questions as I guess, a repetition to emphasise what you're trying to say. I love 'With an individual taking the shepherd's staff.' It's such a better way of writing about people that take lead, and definitely way more creative. My gosh Josh! This is a fantastic poem, I love it!