Thursday, June 26, 2008

Poetry Jam

Circle of Seasons

Bleak, grey skies of winter
Frozen wind rushes through my hair
My face buried in my collar
Arms wrapped around my body
Woollen trousers surround my legs
As I try and ride out the cold

Night falls and I’m in bed
I toss and turn underneath thick layers
Water cascades down from the heavens
Lighting arcs across the sky
The giant’s tummy rumbles
Depression, desolation, despair

A light beams through the curtains
Birds twitter sounds of praise
They shatter the dark walls for the sun
Warmth seeps through my limbs
I stretch and yawn
Vibrant flowers and lush grass meet my feet

The day grows weary and hot
My throat aches with dehydration
A fiery inferno burns high in the sky
Merciless heat sears my skin
Like burning ashes in water
Depression, desolation, despair

I walk along the rocky path
Ancient trees encircle me
Golden leaves protrude from their branches
The ground invites them
Waiting for gravity to work
A cool breeze rushes through me
The circle of seasons repeats

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

I can't write a poem (By Joseph)

I can’t write a poem
A poet I am not
My mind feels very numb
I can’t think ‘cause of heat
I think I have heatstroke
But sure I am not
My laptop’s broken down
And pencil I can’t find
The pen is leaking very badly
Plus the teacher’s shouting loudly
This is very bad!
I’ve wrote a poem about;
How I cannot write a poem!
This must be a big joke
Detention I have surely got
The teacher’s getting near
I’m starting to panic
‘Where’s your poem boy?’
A big problem I’ve surely got!

I wrote the short free verse poem last year. It is a short free verse about how I cannot write a poem. It lists excuses about what is it that prevents me from writing a poem. Near the end, it is about the teacher when he is shouting and gets angry and comes and demands to see the poem I have written and I start to panic and thinking that I have detention. Of course, none of this has happened to me, I just wrote all the excuses that came to mind; about broken laptops and pens and numb minds. I added an extra twist-the angry teacher-to it to make it more interesting to read and picture in the mind.

Ronny's Poem

Here I am in class
trying to keep awake
I struggle against the gripping jaws
of sleep I don't want to take

I try to fight my urges
but I know that I am gone
I'm slowly being pulled under
to sleep which I know is wrong

my mind starts to wander
my eyes start to close
I know that I am losing it
and with it my mind just goes

So I slip into a sleep
dreaming about a cake
until I hear a sharp voice
the teacher made me wake

Young man she yelled
would you get up now
and slowly I raised my head
and listened to her growl

Shut up I screamed
get off my back
she looked at me with anger
and told me to go pack

So out of school I went
and walked back to my home
told my mum what happened
got beaten to the bone

So now I've learned my lesson
always get some sleep
otherwise in class you'll find
you'll end up in trouble deep

Well, i wrote this poem when i was feeling kinda tired. I couldn't think of anything else to write about. It is just a made up story. And although i have never actually been in that kinda situation before, i have come pretty close. There were times when the only reason why i didn't fall asleep was because of the fact that I knew how much trouble i would get in. I guess this poem is just to tell you that you should get a good nights sleep, or face the consequences

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Poems by Clement

Blue skies turn dark black
A line of cars on the road
Adding to the fume

Lines of cold machines
Clogging the only way through
Moving like a snail

The numbers go up
Pass your imagination
There are no limits

The people complain
The time is running out soon
There will be none left

The price of petrol
And the fumes of many cars
I wonder what’s next

I wrote this poem mainly to raise the issues of global warming and rising petrol prices. The poems also lead to questions of what will happen next. How high can petrol prices go? How long can human beings survive without wiping each other out? How can we stop this?

The first stanza is about global warming and pollution and how the traffic conditions only add to the destruction of earth.
The second stanza is about the congested traffic moving very slowly.
The third stanza is about rising petrol prices going higher and higher.
The fourth stanza is about people complaining about the rising petrol prices and how petroleum will run out sooner or later. The fact that if the cars are moving at a snail’s pace means that the people are wasting even more petrol only makes things worse.
The last stanza is a conclusion about the poem and evokes the questions in your mind.

My inspiration for this poem was when I was travelling back home in a car and the cars were moving very slowly. And when we passed the petrol station the price was like 169.9 cents per litre of petrol made me think of writing a poem about how bad the condition of travelling was. This lead to other things such as global warming and pollution.

I have written all the poems as haikus. I used a lot of imagery to evoke images in readers’ minds and used some similes, metaphors and repetition.

Josh's poem

Heroes of time

What is the meaning of life?
Is it to stand in the background?
Or to immerse ourselves in the sun?
Do we bask in the glow of others?
Or shine the light upon ourselves?

I live in a world where we ponder our every move
Thinking about the variables and outcomes
Than to actually get up and move around
We all stand in the shadows of darkness
In the dusty corners of nothingness

What should we do in this life?
Should we rise up and take lead?
Or continue as a sheep?
Do we call out for attention?
Or wait for attention to find us?

I live in a world where most stay behind
With an individual taking the shepherd’s staff.
We wait for the spotlight to shine on us
And save our voices for later
A time which will never come

Why should we do it in this life?
Is it for the sake of others?
Or for ourselves?
Do we lead the world to the light?
Or plunge it into darkness?

I live in a world where things are done for ourselves
An action does not matter unless it benefits us
Others come after us
And so advancements are like gold in the dirt
Rather than water in the sea

But every millennia
A person defies these actions
And brings the world to victory
Such are the heroes of time

This poem was written on my views of the world and its heroes of time. It is my belief that in our current society, everyone’s actions are done to benefit themselves in some way. This action may or may not also benefit another person, but it is not usually in the person’s aim to do so. It is extremely hard to do something for someone else that will only benefit them. Even an act like helping someone else, may have the thought in our mind that we expect them to help us later on.

I have used the pattern for the whole poem to have every odd numbered paragraph to have questions (except for the last paragraph) and every even numbered paragraph to include the response. I have used a rhyme in the end of the second paragraph and a simile in the second-last paragraph. I have also used are large number of metaphors in the poem. This is a technique that I enjoy using.

There are three people I had in mind when I wrote this poem. They have played an important role in where we are today in society. They are Mother Teresa, Martin Luther King Jr. and Nelson Mandela. Through their selflessness they have shaped the world and brought joy to countless people across the world.

I especially like the questions in the poem. It poses an issue which requires an answer that is meant to speak the truth. This poem is entirely how I see the world I live in. I have tried to write about a different subject this time, something other than nature. I am pleased with my work and I would like to try a different subject next time.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Haiku's for enjoyment (Joseph's poem)

They came with darkness
Far Outsiders invading
Fighting towards us

Ocean spray flying
Spraying as high as the sky
With the strength of gods

The red men have come
They have come to eat with us
Huge meals are prepared

The three Haikus that I wrote are new ones from my mind. I thought of fresh ideas and wrote them down as I thought of them. I then created a story or a description for the remaining syllables of the Haiku. The first Haiku is an idea from a book I read last year (2007) and I incorporated that with an altered version of another book I have read. The haiku is about foreign invaders fighting towards us. The second one I decided to write about nature and I chose the ocean and the ocean spray it creates. This Haiku is about the sometimes powerful ocean spray that the ocean creates and I used a comparison there as I did not write ‘as a’. The last Haiku is about people dressed in red that have come to dine with us and feasts are prepared for their arrival.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Welcome All

Welcome everyone to our poetry blog! Browse through the poems and polls and enjoy!